

Our certified Salesforce consultants evaluate your existing CRM and propose a strategy in migrating to Salesforce for a better outcome. Our Consultants also provide services in analyzing your exiting Salesforce Org and fix the issues if any for better performance.

Salesforce Consulting Services

    Fresh Implementation of Salesforce CRM

  • Implementation of a new Salesforce solution. We provide implementation consulting services for a greenfield salesforce CRM implementation or if there’s a need for CRM migration from another system to Salesforce, or if you are only purposing to get your sales, marketing or customer service activities digitized with CRM. We perform fit-gap analysis of customer’s requirements and offer ways of addressing them in full with Salesforce capabilities.

    Optimization of an existing Salesforce CRM

  • Optimization of an existing solution for better coverage of business needs. We analyze the current data set and perform data cleansing and data archiving based on the volume of data which results in better performance. The same way our consultant analyzes worflows, integrations, customizations and business processes. We offer a whole plan on intensifying the customer’s current Salesforce solution with proper integrations and customizations.

    What Our Salesforce Consultants Do: If you plan to implement new Salesforce or improve your existing solution, Queens' Innovative Digital Technologies(Queidt ) provides comprehensive consulting, which includes:

    Defining Business Objectives

  • Whether you need to enable reports with increased visibility, lessen long sales cycles or case analysis time, introduce effective email marketing campaigns or automate your sales and customer service-related processes, Salesforce consulting helps to address your requests timely and efficiently.

    Fit-Gap Analysis of business objectives into Salesforce features

  • Fit-Gap Analysis of business objectives into Salesforce features takes place after your business goals are clear. Based on the Fit-Gap report a decision will be taken to choose Salesforce functionality (either default or custom) to achieve them.

    Recommending the most suitable Salesforce Module

  • Choosing the right module means that you get your business challenges addressed without paying for unneeded features. Based on the business requirement and Fit-Gap report right module will be suggested.

    Planning implementation

  • Salesforce planning implementation is done as per our defined Salesforce methodology. Every step is followed in adherence to time and schedule.

    Sales process design in Sales Cloud

  • The design, administration, and implementation of the sales process in the Sales Cloud is followed by proper requirement gathering from sales managers. Sales targets are discussed with Sales Managers and together we decide how to manage sales issues and work in a direction to improve a more effective sales process.

    Customer journey design in Marketing Cloud

  • The design, management and implementation of the marketing process in Marketing Cloud are discussed with marketing managers to streamline the customer journey experience. To achieve this multiple discussions are held with marketing managers of clients to help them with personalized customer journeys, targeted advertising campaigns, email campaigns, and other marketing needs.

    Customer service process design in Service Cloud

  • The design, management and implementation of the customer service process in Service Cloud in discussion with service managers. the Service Cloud helps to enable the automation of customer service workflows, recording of tickets that drive quick and quality omnichannel customer service, timely case resolution and enhanced employee productivity of the customer service dept.

    UX/UI design

  • Our team of UX designers analyzes your users’ preferences and UI issues to enable more user-friendly UX . Some customers prefer default Salesforce UI and some of them want a customized UI hence the UX team maps out user journeys accordingly.

    Planning customizations and integrations

  • Planning customizations and integrations. We outline the necessary customizations (which may vary from configuration with point-and-click tools to custom development), which make the system fully compliant with your business processes. If the custom integration is required to ensure the aligned work of your Salesforce solution with external systems, such as ERP, e-commerce platforms, collaboration systems, we map out this integration as well. Business functionalities that are not covered in Salesforce given process are documented and customized with an additional build on existing systems. Same way integration with third-party applications such as ERP, eCommerce platforms, payment gateways, etc is integrated.

    Managing implementation

  • A dedicated Project manager/Scrum Master is assigned to oversee the progress of the implementation based on the project plan, schedule and effort variance. Every step is monitored as per the project plan.

    User's Training

  • A proper User training is provided to end-users to make them familiar with Salesforce. Training is conducted online or in-person to make team familiar with it.