Salesforce Marketing Cloud Rollout - Education

Marketing Cloud Rollout

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Rollout - Education

About Company:

The Client is a premier US university specializing in education. Client uses Salesforce Sales and Marketing Cloud solutions for providing a personalized experience for the prospective students visiting their website and social channels and keeping them engaged through their ‘Journey’.

Opportunity / Problem Statement:

  • The client used multiple systems to track information about a customer (student) through the different stages of the student lifecycle. These systems were not communicating the relevant information to provide a personalized experience for promotions and service purposes.
  • Customer lifecycle was not captured in the automation tools and the personalization on the public site and direct communication was limited.
  • Marketing campaigns were tracked in excel and there was no easy way to measure the effectiveness
  • System integration across the board was very limited and had data issues, users used multiple systems to get the right information

Solution Highlights:

  • Created customer Journeys based on customer lifecycles. Captured different scenarios and behavior based triggers to be used for personalization.
  • Developed tighter integration with Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Student Management System. Removed Excel based tracking.
  • Setup various emails in Email Studio for personalized and event driven experience fetching content dynamically.
  • Captured all customer interactions in contact history to get a holistic view of the customer across different channels.
  • Configured Social Network connectivity
  • Configured Campaign tracking

The Results:

With our Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation, the client was able to achieve the following results

Integrated solution to different users need to use only one system to get the complete picture of the customer. Improved efficiencies and reduced errors through automation of campaign management. A consistent and personalized experience for the customers regardless of the channel.