enterprise mobility

enterprise mobility

We craft enterprise mobility solutions that align with your business and IT strategy. Still, numbers of legacy applications are running in the backdrop of every business and business and IT don’t want to upgrade those systems. Our Digital Transformation experience comes handy here where without changing any existing legacy system we can craft mobile apps to make them competitive among peers.

Our consultancy services include:

  • Business case, mobile architecture and proof of concept (POC)
  • Enterprise Application Catalog
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Mobile Application Management (MAM)
  • Security and risk management
  • Services and integration
  • IT governance and policies

Mobility Overview

Customized and personalized mobile apps increase your brand loyalty. With mobile strategy, organizations maximize revenues by leveraging social media, evaluating real-time insights with mobile analytics. Our mobility solutions cover mobile platforms, enterprise middleware, server technologies, frameworks, and accelerators. Integration with leading enterprise applications, like Microsoft Dynamics, Share Point, Oracle e-Business, Salesforce, SAP, Oracle Knowledge, Jive, Oracle Web Center Shared services model, etc.