Multi Store Food Ordering System

Offers a range of solutions specifically tailored for the travel & hospitality landscape and are designed to leverage the latest technologies.

Multi Store Food Ordering System

A food service company had ambitious growth goals that could only be met by a complete transformation of its CRM systems for better tracking of orders. 

Client Challenge:

A food services organization developed an ambitious growth plan to improve its topline revenues by more than 20 percent by inclusion of 5 more outlets to their existing setup. But to achieve this, the company wants a 360-degree view of their clients across all locations. They needed a platform that would let them tracks order, cross-sell and up-sell effectively, reduces customer fulfillment time by delivering higher levels of satisfaction.


We proposed to the Client Sales Cloud to track orders, cross-sell and up-sell effectively. We first implement at base location with all functionalities which are in sync with client needs. On successful rollout at one location and with positive outcome, we rolled out the application at all locations. We created dashboard which are monitored at head office for management and tracking of orders.

Return of Investment:

  • Better management of all outlets with enhanced Dashboards powered with AI.
  • Increased in topline revenue growth by 35% against proposed growth of 20%.
  • Increase in Customer Satisfaction due to timely delivery of orders.

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