In Odoo, a warehouse is an actual place in which the items are stocked. One can set multiple warehouses if one wants and create moves between warehouses. The Odoo features simplify the functional features of the whole process of managing and tracking the stock level of the business, thereby improving the efficiency of the Company. With The Odoo system software, one can track their product efficiently and can manage the internal operations with just a click. One can easily trace the product availability for the customers through the software and yes it also helps with product maintenance too. The odoo developers in Gurugram are going to describe more on this blog on how to maximize the warehouse when needed.
How the Odoo System Software works
To manage stock in the warehouse is a very hectic job. As it involves managing the stock levels, physical space, tracking the orders, and the deliveries. However, with the growth of the company might require multiple warehouses in the maintenance of their product. In Odoo one can set multiple warehouses and create smooth and transparent moves between the warehouse.
How to create the warehouse Inventory in Odoo?
It starts with just a click on the Inventory in the Odoo page>Configuration>Warehouse Management >Warehouse Create. And by clicking the Incoming shipment and outgoing shipment, one can choose any of the existing warehouses for re-supply. Every in and out of the transactions is recorded through the Locations In Odoo. One can set up the locations by clicking on the Inventory>Configurations>Locations.
What is Actually a Location in the Odoo system software?
Location in Odoo denotes the :
a. Physical Location:- It signifies the loading and unloading of the products on a shelf or the department.
b. Partner Location:- This signifies the space in the warehouse within a customer or a vendor warehouse. So through the Odoo system software, it can locate whether there is available space or not.
c. Virtual Location:- This comes in handy with just a click, one can place the lost product out of the stock, or if you want to consider placing the product which is under procurement just to let know to the customers that the product will be available soon.
The Procurement Rule from the warehouse by using the Odoo system software
The ODOO system software has really helped a lot in the business. It reduces the malfunction in the management of the procurement of the product so that there won’t be excess in the storing of the product. By managing the procurement of product through Odoo it helps in reducing the inventory levels, the cost of carrying and storing goods. The procurement rules here include.
a. The movement of products from any location.
b. It triggers the creation of a manufacturing order as the system will display the products that are not available in the stock and needed in procuring them.
C. The Push rule includes a given quantity of products that is moved to the source location according to the parameters set like the destination to move the products, the location, and to specify the delay of the product. With Odoo push rule the company can easily predict the quality of products purchased by the customer.
Removal Strategies of the Product in the Warehouse Using the Odoo System software
The Removal strategy in Odoo is implemented during the product picking operation to really assure that the deliverance of the best product to the customers. Whenever the product movement takes place Odoo will help in finding the suitable and available product and later initiate the action of the shipment. The strategy involve are:
a. The First In First Out(FIFO) warehouse management strategy implies that the products that are stock first will be moved out.
b. Last In Last Out(LIFO) warehouse management strategy:- This is a strategy used when the products entered last are to move out first. Lifo is involved in the movement of the product that does not have a shelf life.
c. First Expiry First Out(FEFO) warehouse management strategy:- The products are dispatch from the warehouse according to the expiration date. While clicking the available option, it defines the Expiration date on serial numbers, where one can easily manage the movement of the products based on the expiration dates. The odoo developers in Gurugram are available if you have a plan anytime to opt for this system software.