As with the advancement of technology, when you are going to use the Odoo app, you are going to get many more benefit. It really provides a good CRM along with the ERP to help you to ensure that there will be a rise in the profitable of the business. Queidt highlight some of the important points, by the use of the Odoo related features you as the shareholders will really get to save each and every detail of the customer. Whatever the customers are facing problems, you will get the information systematically, and you will be able to increase the number of clients towards your company as well.
How to generate leads using Odoo CRM
Queidt brings you the idea with the integrated system and its related features on using Odoo. Here in this blog you will get the idea on how, with the use of the Odoo system software, you can really generate leads using Odoo CRM for your company. To generate a lead, you will need to follow some of the important points.
a. In order to generate lead you will need to go to the configuration, settings of the website, and you can actually activate the lead mining features. You will get a new button like the generate lead which are available in your pipeline.
b. Next things are that you can click on the lead mining request and where you can click on the generate leads button, where there will be criteria that will be popping up.
c. When getting the contact, make sure to be aware of the latest regulation. You can pick the countries and the leads you need it.
d. If you are choosing the in-app purchase feature, it will cost a credit. If you are getting the lead, it will add a credit.
Benefits On generate leads using Odoo CRM
Queidt pinpoint some of the idea on the benefits on increasing the leads with the help of Odoo. So let us check out in this blog on what it is actually. The company will get the idea on which location they want their customers from. The company can really target the audience they really want, and it really can choose the product they really wish to offer accordingly. The prices can be determined accordingly as per the lead base.
Process Of Odoo Lead Sales Pipeline Management
The Odoo CRM really provides a highly customizable support on working to generate the lead. Let us check more further in this blog what it is actually.
a. The Lead Generation: The first thing for any business is the lead generation, this will really help to reach out to the number of leads whenever you want.
b. The Lead Mining: The lead mining will help to hunt for the most prospect leads. You have to fill the form and fill the required lead quantity, and you will specify the employee number and the country and the industry.
c. Next thing, as a company, you will need to assign a sales person to complete the task.
d. Reporting: Whatever you have generated the data, you can automatically check the data automatically. The reports can be done and visualize in the charts, graphs, frequencies.
Benefits of CRM and ERP integration
Having an Odoo app with proper lead generation will help to build your business to grow more. So as the shareholders, you can discuss more on how advanced the technology can help in the growth of the company. Having a proper CRM along with the ERP will pave way for the new lead generation from across different countries, so do check out the blog to get more ideas. To generate the lead, you will need to follow some of the important steps so that you will be able to draw more clients to your company. You will be able to track more of the clients with proper customer support whenever you need it. This will level up your business and its growth.